Tweak the percentile for finding better guns such as ak47 or ar15, I just recently got the ump for the first time today and who knows if there is a Gatling gun or not or maybe even a aa-12 shotgun? Make a list of weapons possible to get so I dont waste my time on continuously finding 12 gauges and .270 rifles(which is near to worthless). If the game doesnt have a Gatling gun or aa-12 shotgun, I suggest u make them/other weapons. Make it so that more barriers can be built after one day(about 16 sounds good) and I say get rid of the stupid food/cigarette finds and turn the finds back into just guns, cuz u try surviving on day 7 with a shotgun as ur best gun-.-Ive tried skipping around places to lessen the zombies but still just doesnt cut it with such horrible accuracy for all four characters, so I suggest u tweak that too so they can actually hit a zombie right in front of them-.-. I suggest u should be able to find atleast one or two more survivors instead of food too, cuz four people with accuracy worse then a drunk is pretty worthless on day 9, the furthest Ive gotten is 10...its ridiculous. Please add/fix these suggestions and I think we have a stable, well balanced game that buyers will actually be able to beat, if too lazy to do so, atleast make it so u can BUY these stuff with real money so its a win win for all you know?
JungSwon about Zombie Defense