Pros... zombies, shooting, blood, cheap, different guns.
Cons... not lucky u are eaten by zombies!! the levels get really long...
I beat the game on easy, havent tried normal but i tried hard... and its impossible. i cant even get passed the third night and theres no reason why it should be so hard. i mean the toughest zombies spawn in just the third night?? this dificutly shouldnt even exist. i guess the developer wanted to make it realistic, like if we were really being invaded by thousands of zombies we wouldnt have a chance.
My tips to beat the game...make the paths really long, i usually camp my guys near the entrance way and make the zombies walk all around the entire area just to reach my guys. have the weakest girl at front (closest to entrance). load the best weapon you have to the old lady first and then next bests to the guys and then the girl. i beat the game using 4 locations, the store, the warehouse, the railway and the power station. i also made my def in a way that compensated for guys missing shots. so like even if it missed the intended target it might still hit a zombie. i only used the prefered aim with people with the shotgun.
theres actually a glitch on the girl if you give her a rifle. i guess i was so bored watching it i began to notice all these things... the girl shoots sort of randomly with a rifle and when she reloads theres a black patch that appears around her. i guess the developer forgot to fix that...probably thought nobody would give her a good gun anyways. but when i was playing it.. it looked like she was rambo and was just shooting wildly.
one of the guys shoots a pistol all gangster style... i found that cool.
it seems that what level you are on has little effect on what you can find. except i havent found any really good guns near the start of the game. but i mean... last level and i put all the hours to searching and all i found was a bomb.
heres a list you might find useful on easy (its not complete nor accurate) its basically what i was able to find and i recorded the lowest time i was able to find it in. ie, i found the ak-74 with 13 days left and days after that but not before the 13th.
17 magnum, hunting rifle, shotgun
16 assualt-15 rifle
13 submchine gun, ak-74 assualt rifle
7 umc submachine gun
5 auto shotgun (ive only found this once)
i usually build my def up on 18, 19 so i dont search much.
my final tip is if things are going good but randomly theres too many zombies at one time... and you end up in a losing can restart the level and fight it again. You can do this by hitting the home key and going back into the game by hitting resume. doing this will also allow you to reposition.
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